2011 Andulka Tennis Block Party

Hey Tennis Friends!

On its second anniversary, Andulka Park Tennis Center, a facility in my local area, had their third annual Tennis Block Party. I was there to file this report:

Located in Riverside, California, here is the link where you can find more information about this facility:


When you show up, be sure to tell them that you heard about it, right here, at GroundsPass.net!

I’ll see you next time, with more tennis, . . . outside the lines!

– Marcus Tennis

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One Response to “2011 Andulka Tennis Block Party”

  1. Tina Burroughs says:

    I went to the block party at Andulka, my first visit to this local facility. I was very impressed by the courts and the event itself. Demo’d racquets by all the vendors. Came away with a couple of new preferences. Thanks for the heads up on the block party, groundspass.net.

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